Update: The Entranced mix for Seat’s next DJ competition

Seat's next DJ LogoHi everyone,

for those of you wondering how it’s going with the Seat’s next DJ competition: the 8 semifinalists have been choosen:

DiVasco, Kay Wilder, Elwood & Sven S, Renvo, Bizarre R, David Quick, Nygel Hearo, and WiDirA. Congratulations to you all!

Their mixes can be watched here:
Semi-finalists Seat’s Next DJ Competition

One wild card semi-final place left
As you can see, I wasn’t one of those semi-finalists. But all DJ’s that weren’t selected still have a chance of making it to the semi-finals:  there’s one wildcard place left and a new voting round has been started. Voting closes next Sunday, May 15th at midnight (Dutch time). The DJ that gets the most wildcard votes will get the 9th semi-final place, so it will be another nerve-racking week for all DJ’s that are running for that wildcard! 🙂

In case you want to help:
If you want to help me get that 9th wildcard place, then you can do that by going to:
The Entranced page on Seat’s next DJ Competition

And then press “Inloggen” (red button in the top right corner). Then choose your social network and when you’re logged in and got back on my page by pressing “Ga verder“, press “Geef kandidaat Wildcard” and confirm it in the next screen with “Stemmen“.

Thanks in advance for your help!

OK, time for me to continue with that big pile of received e-mails and to work on some new music!

Doenja a.k.a. The Entranced


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