May 2011 archive

Update: The Entranced mix for Seat’s next DJ competition

Seat's next DJ Logo

Hi everyone, for those of you wondering how it’s going with the Seat’s next DJ competition: the 8 semifinalists have been choosen: DiVasco, Kay Wilder, Elwood & Sven S, Renvo, Bizarre R, David Quick, Nygel Hearo, and WiDirA. Congratulations to you all! Their mixes can be watched here: Semi-finalists Seat’s Next DJ Competition

The Entranced Mix for Seat’s next DJ Competition

Seat's next DJ Logo

Hi Everyone, After finishing the remix for TheCOPY21 and shooting some scenes for the video (will be on the YouTube Channel for TheCOPY21 soon), I’ve moved straight on to a new challenge: the Seat’s Next DJ contest. I’ve made a half hour mix and you can watch it on video:

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